Welcome to Case Study City

Ramblings of a Herbally Altered Marketer Wannabe

Give Me +Reps?

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Why I Created This Website

Give Me +Reps?

I created this website because I am having fun. Yes I do have a full time job. In fact I have TWO jobs(one full time and one part time). No lie.

Right now I'm on convalescent leave from both jobs because I had surgery. So I am too high on drugs to go back to work without killing anybody.

And no I'm not a druggie. Healing after a surgery is painful. These drugs really help. I can see why people get hooked after an injury or surgery.

But not me. My drug is internet marketing and make money online stuff. And weed too of course ;)

So when I first bought this domain name I had intentions to create a website about me taking actions on MMO products I buy and making case studies about it. Unfortunately I lack the time and discipline to do this. So why let some hosting and domain name I paid for go to waste? Ha ha!

Ok, I'll end this here for now. Thanks for reading.