Welcome to Case Study City

Ramblings of a Herbally Altered Marketer Wannabe

Give Me +Reps?

Giving me Reps let's me know you been here so I can create more content. Also let's me know how Awesome You are ;)

Can I Ask U 4 A Favor

Give Me +Reps?

I hope you enjoy this website. Im going to try to make it as interesting as possible. In fact, this website is a case study in and of itself. Let's see what happens when I put my happy ass out there and try to sell stuff to people. Then I will fill you in on the details and maybe this website will live up to its name.

Can I ask a favor? If you are here because you somehow came accross my website thru BBHF can you let me know by giving me reps and saying JoMama in the comment?

This is how I know that you dropped by for a visit and was curious to know more. Nothing more. I am not trying to artificially inflate my reps points or anything. Just give me a +1 I don't care. I just wanna know.

If you like this website I'll definetly put in more content for you to enjoy.

OK, thanks y'all! Peace!